About Stoughton Landmarks Commission

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The Commission is a body of seven members of the community, appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Common Council, which serves to recognize and preserve the historic and cultural resources within the City of Stoughton, as prescribed by the Stoughton Landmarks Ordinance (Section 38-33). The Commission is primarily responsible for ensuring that the provisions in Stoughton's historic preservation ordinance are executed accordingly. This includes coordinating educational activities, designating local historic landmarks, providing design expertise, and performing design reviews of applications to alter locally designated historic buildings. At the present time Stoughton has thirty-two individually designated local landmarks and one locally designated historic district. It also has five districts listed in the National Register of Historic Places, as well as several individually listed properties on the State and National Registers of Historic Places. Stoughton became the twelfth Certified Local Government (CLG) in Wisconsin in 1988. CLG status signifies that Stoughton has been certified by the Wisconsin Historical Society (WHS) as a city that is enforcing its local preservation ordinance. The status also has the benefit of making the city eligible for CLG grant funding that is provided by the National Park Service and administered by the Wisconsin Historical Society. There are approximately seventy-one CLG communities in Wisconsin at the present time.

The Since becoming a CLG, the Commission has completed a number of CLG grant projects, including intensive surveys and nominations of several districts to the State and National Registers of Historic Places, the subsequent publication of district walking tour brochures, and the publication of two design guideline booklets. For more information, see Commission Publications. For more info on the CLG program, visit www.wisconsinhistory.org/hp/clgs/ The Commission consists of seven members who are appointed by the Mayor. The commissioners are dedicated citizens, historians, architects, and other experts selected for their interest and skills in historic preservation.

Current members include:

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Greg Pigarelli, Chair
Peggy Veregin, Vice-Chair
Kimberly Cook, Secretary
Alan Hedstrom
Todd Hubing
David Udstuen
Jean Ligocki, Council Rep.

Staff Person: Nic Miles, Zoning Administrator

The Commission currently meets at City Hall (with a virtual option) on the second Thursday of the month at 5:00 pm.
For more information about the Commission, contact Zoning Administrator Nic Miles nmiles@cityofstoughton.com.